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Replay AppImage 3.0.1

Replay AppImage 3.0.1

Replay AppImage Publisher's Description

Replay AppImage is an application-aware, disk-based imaging solution that automatically and continuously images your entire Windows application server delivering accelerated application backups and disaster recovery for Windows servers in minutes. Once you’ve installed Replay AppImage, you’re just 5 clicks from total application protection and recovering from any failure. The Replay agent works quietly and efficiently in the background recording the changed blocks. Application-consistent snapshots are performed and changed blocks are copied to the Replay server. There, the blocks are then compressed, de-duplicated and efficiently stored as point-in-time images. The image includes your operating system, system state, and your application data completely eliminating your backup window and reducing your application server overhead by over 30%. With Replay AppImage, if one of your users accidently deletes or loses an important e-mail, file, database, or storage group, it takes only a few clicks to get them back. If the server fails, just rewind to the last known good image. If you need to migrate to new hardware safely, just restore the image to a new server.

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